2024 at the Latgale SEZ Administration: powerful year for attracting investments and fostering new business venturesYear of 2024 marked a historic milestone for the Latgale Special Economic Zone (Latgale SEZ), achieving unprecedented success in attracting investments. A total of 11 investment agreements were signed, amounting to nearly €40 million, while 5 new companies joined the SEZ. These developments are expected to generate at least 78 new jobs in Latgale by the end of 2024.
The Action Plan for Security and Growth on the Eastern Border provides extensive support for business and economic zones
The government on Tuesday, 14.01.2025. endorsed an Action Plan for the economic growth and security of the Eastern Border Region from 2025 to 2027, which will cost more than EUR 640 million.
The plan identifies the main challenges that need to be tackled in the eastern border area as a result of Russia's war against Ukraine. These challenges are common to countries bordering with Russia and Belarus in the EU and include the worsening of the already unfavorable economic situation, difficulties in maintaining business activity, for instance, small and medium-sized enterprises.
The negative impact on citizens' sense of security and increased social tensions have been cited as challenges, hence the need to strengthen societal resilience and preparedness.
Negative impacts on potential investment flows, disrupted transport corridors, and halted tourist flows were also mentioned in the action plan.
The measures included in the plan are aimed at strengthening security, economic development and human resources development.
Vitai SIA: Advancing High-Quality Firewood Production in the Border Region
On January 10, representatives from the Latgale Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Administration, along with the Chairman of the SEZ Supervisory Commission, Jānis Lāčplēsis, visited the village of Kubuli in the Balvi district. Their visit focused on observing the progress of the investment project “Development of a Wood Drying Kiln 2023,” implemented by SIA "Vitai."
“Vitai” acquired Latgale SEZ status in 2023. The company specializes in producing environmentally friendly firewoods. This product is not only one of the most affordable and sustainable options available today but also a highly demanded export commodity for businesses and individual consumers alike. As emphasized by the company, firewood remains one of the most eco-friendly sources of heat energy.
The investment project under the Latgale SEZ aimed to enhance business operations by increasing production capacity and boosting competitiveness both in Latvia and international markets. By scaling up production, Vitai SIA expanded its product offerings to meet the needs of its established customer base while attracting new clients with a broader range of products.
Latgale SEZ Announces Record Investment in Partnership with High-Tech Leader Light Guide Optics Internationa ltd.
December 20, 2024 in the history of the Latgale Special Economic Zone (Latgale SEZ) administration becomes a significant development indicator – the largest investment project ever with the high-tech company SIA “Light Guide Optics International” located in Līvāni is concluded.
SIA “Light Guide Optics International” plans to invest 33 million euros in the Latgale SEZ territory for the implementation of investment projects, with a total of at least 35 new jobs expected to be created.
SIA “INVESTING” joined the Latgale Special Economic Zone (Latgale SEZ) in 2023. Currently, the company has implemented its first investment project “Initial Investments in Real Estate”, adapting existing real estate to the requirements of tenants and increasing the capacity of its services.
The goal of real estate developer SIA “Investing” is to attract companies that value and are looking for high-quality, energy-efficient buildings that are adapted to production needs and comfortable working conditions.
SIA “Weld” (Industrial Holding Group) is a Daugavpils-based manufacturing and metalworking company that joined the Latgale Special Economic Zone (Latgale SEZ) on March 18, 2024, concluding an investment agreement within the framework of the project “Purchase of production equipment to increase the capacity of SIA “Weld”. On December 13 of this year, the Latgale SEZ Board approved the first investment project implemented by the company, which resulted in the purchase of a metal pipe laser cutting machine and a CNC metal lathe.
"Regula Baltija" Continues to Set New Goals!
On 13th of December 2024, the Latgale Special Economic Zone Authority approved a new investment project by Regula Baltija in Daugavpils!
Regula is one of the world’s foremost manufacturers of forensic equipment for authenticating documents, banknotes, and securities. The company is well-known overseas. Their products and solutions are used by state and commercial organizations on all continents. Since the early 90’s Regula has been producing forensic devices that are globally unparalleled in terms of their technical specifications. -
Eastern Latvia Smart Technology and Research Centre (ALTOP)
The industrial park of the Eastern Latvia Smart Technology and Research Center "ALTOP" will promote the economic growth of the Latgale region by creating a modern, world-class business space with advantageous logistics. It will offer smart specialization companies a modern energy-efficient A-class building with more than 11,000 m2 of leasable area, divided into 3 blocks, creating separate production areas (up to 150 employees) and administrative offices (up to 90 employees).
Parking spaces are provided for each block near the building, including for people with mobility impairments and an electric charging station for light vehicles. It will also provide entrepreneurs with the opportunity to receive support from the Latgale SEZ and attract qualified labor.
Veiksmīgi aizvadīts Latgales Biznesa forums DaugavpilīPiektdien, 27. septembrī, pulcējot vairāk nekā 150 uzņēmējus, organizācijas, pašvaldību un valsts iestāžu darbiniekus, kā arī citus interesentus, veiksmīgi tika aizvadīts Latgales Biznesa forums Daugavpilī, Rīgas ielā 22a. Forumā kopā ar Latgales reģiona uzņēmējiem tika runāts par ekonomisko situāciju reģionā, izaugsmes prognozēm, eksporta attīstību, reģiona izaugsmei nozīmīgiem projektiem, Latgales speciālās ekonomiskās zonas atbalstu un aktuālākajiem atbalsta instrumentiem uzņēmējiem. Klātesošos uzrunāja Daugavpils valstspilsētas pašvaldības priekšsēdētājs Andrejs Elksniņš, Latgales plānošanas reģiona Attīstības padomes priekšsēdētājs Sergejs Maksimovs, Klimata un enerģētikas ministrs Kaspars Melnis un Ekonomikas ministrs Viktors Valainis.
27. septembrī Daugavpilī norisināsies "Latgales Biznesa forums"
Aicinām uzņēmējus apmeklēt Latgales Biznesa forumu, kas notiks 27. septembrī Daugavpilī, Vienības nama telpās (Rīgas iela 22a).
Reģionālās ekonomikas attīstība, drošība austrumu pierobežā, ilgtspējīga enerģija un zaļais kurss. Kā rast jaunas idejas? Kā ieviest inovācijas uzņēmumu konkurētspējas un Latgales reģiona sociālekonomiskās izaugsmes veicināšanai?