Latgale has a special place in the territory of Latvia. A region where a rich historical heritage, a multicultural environment and the preservation of ancient traditions are successfully integrated into the modern business world, represented with a wide range of sectors, from hospitality providers and small home producers to large-scale industrial production and high-tech companies with excellent export potential. This is a good prerequisite for boosting the region's competitiveness, in addition to developing and offering new opportunities for people to learn, work and increase their well-being in Latgale.

The main foundation is good education, and secondary education institutions such as Daugavpils State Gymnasium, Daugavpils Technological Secondary School - Lyceum, Rēzekne State Gymnasium No 1 are annually ranked among the best secondary education institutions. In addition, the region has well-developed vocational education opportunities - Rēzekne Art and Design Secondary School, Rēzekne Technical College, Latgale Industrial Technical College, Daugavpils Technology and Tourism Technical College - to name just a few examples where young craftsmen are being trained. Young people in Latgale are keen to study in their home region. Higher education institutions - Daugavpils University, Rēzekne Academy of Technologies, RTU Daugavpils Study and Science Centre - offer a diverse range of programmes in the professions needed today. The modern study environment and attractive infrastructure, with high-quality leisure and sports facilities, are comparable to the best examples in Europe. For example, Daugavpils is home to the first bicycle park in the Baltics with 4 hectares of different areas for development and educational leisure activities. It gives young people the motivation to stay in their home region and contribute to its development.

The region boasts world-class cultural attractions that draw visitors from far and wide. Daugavpils Mark Rotko Art Centre, multifunctional acoustic concert hall GORS in Rēzekne, which combines the latest entertainment industry and architectural standards with the functionality of a culture club, the East Latvian creative services centre "Zeimuļs", designed in the concept of integrated architecture. Alongside the modern, the Latgale region has many restored ancient manor houses and castles, offering excellent recreational opportunities, cultural programmes and exploration of different periods of history.

Latgale is unique because of its ethnic diversity and the diversity of its religious denominations. Alongside the predominant Catholic faith, the Orthodox, Old Believer and Lutheran denominations, as well as Judaism and various other religious denominations have been existing here for centuries. The importance of faith is still reflected in the impressive sacral architecture, which is one of the unique features of Latgale and one of its tourist attractions. The Aglona Basilica is one of the largest centres of Catholicism in the Baltics, the spiritual centre of Latvian Catholics and a world-class sanctuary.

In your free time you should go to Latgale to be in nature. Almost half of Latvia's lakes are in Latgale, known as the "land of blue lakes". Alongside them, the Latgale Highlands offer magnificent scenery. Latvia's largest river, the Daugava, casts eight curves in the Daugava Valley Nature Park, offering spectacular views.

The core of the Latgale region is formed by two national cities - Daugavpils and Rēzekne. Daugavpils is Latvia's second largest city, with excellent potential for business and education, and opportunities to develop East-West cross-border cooperation. Rēzekne can be called the centre of social and cultural life in Latgale.

The Latgale Planning Region comprises nine municipalities in Latvia: Daugavpils, Rēzekne, Augšdaugava region, Balvi region, Krāslava region, Līvani region, Ludza region, Preiļi region, Rēzekne region. Each is unique in its own way, but all share a common desire to make Latgale an economically strong region.

Līvani has made its name known far and wide thanks to two high-tech companies - Lightguide, which produces optical fibres, and Ceram Optec, which manufactures medical solutions, including laser systems for veterinary medicine.

The Rēzekne Special Economic Zone has been established in Rēzekne since 1997, providing a number of advantages for entrepreneurs and investors. It is also one of the most important intersections of international transport corridors with direct access to international markets.

The Balvi region in Northern Latgale actively nurtures and maintains modern cultural and ethnographic traditions. Balvi municipality has a high proportion of farms, especially in the cultivation and production of various agricultural products, dairy farming and forest logging.

Ludza, the centre of Ludza Municipality, is the oldest town in Latvia on the eastern border. The region has a fascinating cultural history and a colourful cultural environment. By supporting entrepreneurs and attracting investors, a sustainable environment for diversified business development is being created.

The Krāslava region attracts visitors with its magnificent natural landscapes and extensive rural tourism opportunities. Foreign investment in wood and furniture, clothing, packaging and recreational services is boosting the region's development.

Preiļi has the advantage of offering a wide variety of cultural and historical sites and educational activities. The pride of the region is one of the leaders in Latvian dairy processing - AS Preiļu siers, which is the largest cheese exporter in the country.

It is worth coming to Latgale to work and build a new business, to relax and to draw on our experience and share ours - together we will become richer and stronger both in Europe and in the world!
Welcome to Latgale or - as we say -